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Chimneys should be inspected on an annual basis.

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Question: Chimneys should be inspected on an annual basis.
Top Answer (94% of 89 votes): True.

Answer: True
Explanation: yes you should have your chimney inspected annualy also dpending on age of home
Answer: True
Explanation: According to the National Fire Safety Institute of America code 211. chimneys should be inspected and or cleaned yearly. Your Safety First. Be sure to check your fire extinguishers, smoke and CO detectors also.
Charlie's Chimney Cleaning & Covers
Answer: True
Explanation: To insure safety to home
Safe Chimney Solutions Inc
Answer: True
Explanation: Fireplaces and chimneys should be examined periodically as a normal part of maintaining the unit.
Eastridge Home Inspections of Arkansas, LLC
Answer: True
Explanation: Annual inspection is considered to be the standard.
Kairos Home Inspections
Answer: True
Explanation: Yes, the NFPA211 (which is the national standard for a chimney sweep) states that the fireplace/chimney should be inspected yearly and cleaned as needed.
Patrick Buell Chimney Services
Answer: True
Explanation: Depending on use.
Answer: True
Explanation: Recommended inspected or cleaned once a year
Kings Chimney Sweep
Answer: True
Explanation: A chimney inspection is a safety inspection and important to complete annually.
InFocus Inspection
Answer: False
Explanation: A sweep is good if you burn pine. Most generally upon sale of property or if there is a problem.
North State Inspections
Answer: True
Explanation: All chimneys should be inspected every year before its fist use
Gilded Leaf Home Inspections LLC
Answer: True
Explanation: Chimney liners usually come with a lifetime warranty, but in order to guarantee the warranty your chimney must be swept annually.
Lehigh Valley Chimney Specialists
Answer: False
Explanation: when ever they feel the need
A1 mary poppin chimney sweep
Answer: True
Explanation: before heavy use
Apex Appliance & Dryer vent cleaning
Answer: True
Explanation: This is a must for safety.
Home Inspection Solutions
Answer: True
Explanation: This is a good practice before the season starts.
Your Home Property Consultants
Answer: True
Explanation: if used a lot burning wood. Gas does not need it as nothing builds up in the flue
American Home & Environmental
Answer: True
Explanation: An annual safety inspection should be performed on every fireplace/woodstove before its first fire of the year.
NH Roof Consulting & Inspection
Answer: False
Explanation: inspected before cleaning depends on use
G M M Property Inspections
Answer: True
Explanation: Patrick Erb Home Inspection Services Licensed Home Inspection AL # HI3083 HUD # 638 205-412-5256 More Information About Me
Patrick Erb Home Services INSPECTION AL#HI3083
Answer: True
Explanation: Chimneys build up what is call creosote this can cause chimney fires if not inspected regularly and cleaned.
Higher Standards Property Solutions LLC
Answer: True
Explanation: Yes, chimney needs to be on the list of yearly maintenance for safety reasons, firsthand.
Straight Street Home & Structural Pest Inspections
Answer: True
Explanation: Conditions can change depending on amount of usage.
Gate House Watch and Inspection Service
Answer: True
Explanation: Chimneys should be inspected every year to help prevent unsafe conditions while in use.
Carolina Regional Inspection Services
Answer: True
Explanation: Chimneys should be inspected annually.
Middleton Home Inspection
Answer: False
Explanation: Only if usage is frequent and only a inspection can really determine if a chimney is in need of cleaning.
Todd Professional Home Inspection Services, LLC
Answer: True
Explanation: Cleaning once a year for safety reasons
USA Home Inspectors
Answer: True
Explanation: Anything in the home that could become a safety or fire hazard needs to be inspected on a regular basis. Most at least annually.
3D Inspections LLC.
Answer: True
Explanation: Typically, before the heating season.
KJ Wood Home Inspections
Answer: True
Explanation: Clean and inspect your chimney every year for safe operation.
Axiom Inspections pllc
Answer: True
Explanation: Yes, they do require maintenance and should be inspected annually.
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