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What is the best time of year to have a chimney inspected?

Late summer/early fall (prior to heating season)
Early spring (directly after heating season)
Not sure
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Question: What is the best time of year to have a chimney inspected?
Top Answer (72% of 86 votes): Late summer/early fall (prior to heating season).

Answer: Late summer/early fall (prior to heating season)
Explanation: chimney should be inspected before heavy use for safty reasons
Answer: Early spring (directly after heating season)
Explanation: Safety First. Now is the time to have your chimney inspection and or cleaning. Before the cold season hits and everyone is calling at once, with very little time left to address any problems, giving us time to repair any issues. With spring the weather is good. Come summer and warmer weather it is harder to get things done. With safety comes a piece of mind that your chimney is safe for you and your family. We offer a spring cleaning discount from March to the end of June off your next spring cleaning. Then our kids get out of school for the summer, now the grandkids.
Charlie's Chimney Cleaning & Covers
Answer: Late summer/early fall (prior to heating season)
Explanation: Just before the heating season to make sure it's safe
Safe Chimney Solutions Inc
Answer: Early spring (directly after heating season)
Explanation: It is best to have the inspection and or cleaning done in the spring to avoid fall rush and unexpected weather conditions of the fall in Montana.
Kairos Home Inspections
Answer: Early spring (directly after heating season)
Explanation: Most chimney companies will be slow coming out of season into the early spring and have a more flexible schedule and will even run some specials that are cheaper than the typical in season sweep prices. Also cleaning the creosote out after the season will prevent some of the strong smells throughout the year that comes with the fireplace. Lastly it is good to get it checked as soon as possible incase there is some problem so we are not rushed to get it fixed before the season gets here.
Patrick Buell Chimney Services
Answer: Late summer/early fall (prior to heating season)
Explanation: When the chimney is not in use, it is easier to access the interior and exterior areas.
Safeguard Home Inspection, LLC
Answer: Early spring (directly after heating season)
Explanation: To beat the rush and delay alot off previous customers take care of there annual inspection or sweep in the summer
Kings Chimney Sweep
Answer: Late summer/early fall (prior to heating season)
Explanation: Having your chimney inspected in the Fall before use ensures that no animals have made a nest over the summer and that your inspection is as close to the time of use as possible.
InFocus Inspection
Answer: Late summer/early fall (prior to heating season)
Explanation: We know that in the Summer, homeowners are concerned about cutting grass, air condition service ect. When the nights start getting a little cooler is a good time to think about the heating systems. After all WINTER WILL BE HERE
Answer: Late summer/early fall (prior to heating season)
Explanation: It is best to have the chimney inspected prior to its first use for the year
Gilded Leaf Home Inspections LLC
Answer: Early spring (directly after heating season)
Explanation: We suggest having your chimney cleaned in early spring right after use so it will be ready to use safely next winter.
Lehigh Valley Chimney Specialists
Answer: Late summer/early fall (prior to heating season)
Explanation: It is always best to make sure your system is safe before using.
Integrity Cleaning Services
Answer: Late summer/early fall (prior to heating season)
Explanation: before the cold season sets in
Apex Appliance & Dryer vent cleaning
Answer: Late summer/early fall (prior to heating season)
Explanation: You should have a cleaning & inspection of a frequently used chimney a minimum of once a year.
Home Inspection Solutions
Answer: Late summer/early fall (prior to heating season)
Explanation: Checking the chimney before the start of the heating season gives the owner a chance to make sure the chimney is clean and operational before making the first fire in the chimney.
Rightway Residential Home Inspections
Answer: Early spring (directly after heating season)
Explanation: any time at least once a year if used a lot. It is not required under Mass Home Inspection Regulations. We inspect them.
American Home & Environmental
Answer: Late summer/early fall (prior to heating season)
Explanation: It's best to have your chimney inspected before the next heating season to allow time for any needed cleaning/repairs.
NH Roof Consulting & Inspection
Answer: Late summer/early fall (prior to heating season)
Explanation: before its used
Answer: Early spring (directly after heating season)
Explanation: Patrick Erb Home Inspection Services Licensed Home Inspection AL # HI3083 HUD # 638 205-412-5256 More Information About Me
Patrick Erb Home Services INSPECTION AL#HI3083
Answer: Late summer/early fall (prior to heating season)
Explanation: Best time is before you use your chimney for the heating season.
Higher Standards Property Solutions LLC
Answer: Late summer/early fall (prior to heating season)
Explanation: Due to high call volumes in the winter and late fall, we recommend scheduling sweeps during the end of summer or beginning of spring. Repairs are recommended for spring and summer.
Nashville Fireplace & Chimney
Answer: Late summer/early fall (prior to heating season)
Explanation: It is best to have the inspection prior to first use.
Gate House Watch and Inspection Service
Answer: Early spring (directly after heating season)
Explanation: Its best (my opinion) to have the chimney clean right after the heating season.
Carolina Regional Inspection Services
Answer: Early spring (directly after heating season)
Explanation: I recommend Spring to all my customers.
Your Chimney Sweep
Answer: Late summer/early fall (prior to heating season)
Explanation: Before the heating season, for safety reasons.
USA Home Inspectors
Answer: Late summer/early fall (prior to heating season)
Explanation: I'm guessing right before you start having fires.
PuroClean Mitigation/Restoration Services
Answer: Early spring (directly after heating season)
Explanation: If repairs are needed this allows more time for repair before the next heating season
3D Inspections LLC.
Answer: Late summer/early fall (prior to heating season)
Explanation: Have your chimney inspected by a professional chimney sweep prior to use each year.
Axiom Inspections pllc
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: The season is generally not a factor.
Nicholas Home Inspection & Maintenance, Inc.
Answer: Early spring (directly after heating season)
Explanation: It's easier to schedule because everybody calls in the fall.
Air Care Institute, LLC
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